About this blog

A blog about the meanderings of a craft designer and hand maker living in a beautiful island at the end of the earth....I'm a weaver addicted to her little Ashford Knitters Loom, a crocheter, knitter, painter, gardener and grandma. Rowena lives in Tasmania - a world apart, not a world away!

Craft is a social activity, shaped by communal resources and motivations. Leonardo Bonanni and Amanda Parkes Virtual guilds : collective intelligence and the future of craft JMC vol 3, no 2 July 2010 pp. 179-190


A wonderful repository of beautiful patterns  (+ 200 pages of pdf file...may take a few minutes to load)

                                            The Lady's Knitting Book 1881

And some lovely head-warmers

                                            The Book of Hats and Caps 1890

I have my grandmother's copy of Fancy and Practical Crochet-Work vol 1, no. 2 published in 1895 by the Butterick Publishing Co.  (now in the public domain).  I will make some of the patterns available here :  Misses Evening Wrap, Baby's Bib, Lace.


Misses Evening Wrap

Lace Pattern

Baby's Crochet Bib